Sunday, August 14, 2005


It seems since graduating college, I've been smarter then ever. I've said such brilliant things, that already they're being quoted by those fortunate enough to be in attendence as jewels of wisdom came out of my mouth. In fact, I believe the employees at my currnet non-profit job where I'm manager, have been foortunate enough to be the one's in my presence as I've said these things. Naturally, they look up to me ever so much. I thought it was important that they be recorded:

During a hot day while working in the garden with my employees, I stated:
"It is so hot out here, it's like this intense solar heat."

While admiring the speed of my cuisinart food processor to ... process food, I declared:
"Wow, it's so fast it's like a machiene!"

There was another precious jem, but somehow, it has slipped my brilliant mind . I think it's important to note that it is especially sunny here, and on each of these occasions, I had spend considerable time with that "solar heat" beating down on me.


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