Thursday, November 17, 2005

Anyway, there's not much of note going on around these parts. Thanksgiving is coming up and I have to go up with my Mom and Steve to my grandma's with all my beautiful cousins, I'm not really looking forward to that, esp. since my other siblings have found a way out of it. Work has gotten better and worse at the same time, in one sense it's less stressful because some much needed money has come in, but I'm also kind of hmm... dis-enamored with it, something like that, not so interested, maybe just lazy, I don't know - but maybe having the long thanksgiving weekend will be good for that.

I just finally finished house sitting last week, just a bad idea altogether, and since I haven't really gotten it together and found an apartment, I'm living at my Mom's house for the time being. It's kind of nice, sad that Candy isn't around anymore, weird because I still live there like a kid and slack a bit, and fun because baby Nathan is there, and he's really cute. His new word this week is Wacky from a Theo ...(dr. suess) book - Wacky Wednesday, it sounds more like aCKeee when he says it, but it's fun all the same, he makes that CK sound really well - drinCK truCK, yuCKy, he's got it down.

With such exiting things to write, it's a wonder why I haven't posted in a bit. Seems I need to be observant, reminisce or get inspired once again. I should wish my blog a belated 1st birthday, and promise to it I will be more excited/interested or do more exciting/interesting things so I might write more often.

This Song - Badly Drawn Boy


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