Friday, August 31, 2007

When it rains it pours

I always have to wonder why Morton Salt's iconic symbol is a girl with an umbrella, protecting her from the rain of salt. If it rained salt, well it would be bad. For you non-gardeners out there, let's just say, it would be really bad. We've been waiting for rain here in Salt Lake City - and while we seem to have more than enough salt, a little water would do. We just installed a giant, 1,000 gallon barrel in one of our community gardens - which at that size, is called a cistern, and because we put it pipes to collect rain off the nearby roof, it should be called a "Rain Catchment System". I had to give a speech at the ribbon cutting ceremony. It was exceptionally hard to come up with a speech to commemorate the opening of a giant barrel - especially without rain in the forecast. I think it went ok in the end, though - the lack of rain really sells the idea of water catchment pretty well. So go get yourself a 55 gal barrel from pepsi, or coke, which used to hold syrup, and hook it up to your downspout. You can have your own ribbon cutting, if you like, too.

On another note, my friend Dave sent me an excerpt from a dream of his, since I've been hounding him lately to help me out with a project, it's pretty good since I don't really see this happening:

Get this...I had a dream where you were trying to build an ark a la noah's ark, except you wanted to collect silverware instead of animals, and you were standing in the salt lake with your sleeves rolled up and everything and you asked me which countries you could get to from here.

Apparently, I'm always waiting for rain. .... and collecting silverware ??/


Blogger Unknown said...

It's wonderful to see people thinking about water conservation and catchments. At we actually sell child safe and animal safe rain barrels. Our website, though, also has information on other ways to conserve water and other products to help reduce waste emissions into the environment. Good Luck in all your endeavors.

11:48 AM  

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