Thursday, November 25, 2004

thanks in order

Seems I've spent the last month honing a new talent in displeasure. While not only isolating the negatives of my current situation, I've also found new and innovative ways to explore and create unhappiness. Naturally, I should probably follow by saying now that this blog is some kind of denial ending confessional in which I will turn over a new leaf. By the way, I despise the word blog.

I think I'll continue to be honest with myself, and choose to learn. While I haven't had a banner week, in fact, I've found it tough to write here because I don't like glazing over my true feelings. Writing for random readers on the internet also isn't a venue where I'm eager to bare my soul. Fortunately, a Thanksgiving has come to save me from divulging anything and reminded me of the power of perspective.

Above all else, I am thankful for having a sense of the value of the meaningful bits of life - and ever grateful for possessing such, which I define as relationships. So gratitude is in order for relationships: my family, for the people who have been and are friends, for the relationship I have with faith, beliefs and hope, with a good book or a good view, with thought. Thankful for my limited but existent knowledge of choice, of existence, and of joy. Possessions might be nice, but even they would have no meaning without some capacity to appreciate them (even utilizing them is in some way appreciating them tacitly). More importantly, they would be lesser, as would people, without one's ability to relate to them. In the end, I guess I realize, I'm most thankful for the ability to be grateful. So let it be - a Happy holiday.


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